Review of the HTML on line1. The goal of the PHP on line 2 is to extract the field value and assign it to a variable prior to inserting into the database. What is wrong with this PHP code?

Here Are The Answers To The LinkedIn WordPress Skill Quiz Certification Exam.

Review of the HTML on line1. The goal of the PHP on line 2 is to extract the field value and assign it to a variable prior to inserting into the database. What is wrong with this PHP code?

  • The code sample does not use the GET method. It should be wrapped in the get_post_field() function and look like this $title = get_post_field( $GET[ ‘title’ ] );
  • The code sample does not use sanitize the form data. It should use the sanitize_text_field() function and look like this: $title = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ ‘title’ ] );
  • There is no error. The code follows WordPress best practices.
  • The code sample does not allow for translation. It should use a translation function and look like this: $title = __( $_POST[ ‘title’ ];

The above question concerns the “LinkedIn WordPress Skill Quiz Certification Exam” All the updated questions and answers related to this Exam are on the LinkedIn WordPress Skill Quiz Certification Exam Answers” page. If you find an update in the questions or answers, comment on this page and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.


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