When you start a new, blank document, you usually end up changing the font to Arial 11.5 point. How can you make these settings the default for this and all future new documents?

Here Are The Answers To The LinkedIn Microsoft Word Skill Quiz Certification Exam.

When you start a new, blank document, you usually end up changing the font to Arial 11.5 point. How can you make these settings the default for this and all future new documents?

  • Open any document, change your font settings, and save as a template.
  • Create a macro that will change all fonts to Arial 11.5 point.
  • In a new, blank document, from the Font dialog box, make your changes and set as default for All documents based on the Normal template.
  • In a new, blank document, make your font changes and then save your document as a template.

The above question concerns the “LinkedIn Microsoft Word Skill Quiz Certification Exam” All the updated questions and answers related to this Exam are on the LinkedIn Microsoft Word Skill Quiz Certification Exam Answers” page. If you find an update in the questions or answers, comment on this page and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.


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