LinkedIn Content and Creative Design Certification Exam Answers

Exam Name: LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Fundamentals

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  1. Which elements does LinkedIn recommend you use to make your imagery stand out AND maintain consistency? Select all that apply.
  2. Mari wants to get insights on what people are saying about her brand. Which tool should she use?
  3. What are two advantages of building a content strategy for your company that balances brand and demand?
  4. Creating a LinkedIn Page is the best way to…
  5. Is auditing your existing content one of the first steps you should follow when setting up a full-funnel strategy?
  6. Sigmund knows that audiences today are on a fluid journey through the marketing funnel and that each person is at a different stage with a different need. What content strategy should he follow?
  7. The timing and context of where the user is in their journey when they see the content is as important as the content itself.
  8. Severine doesn’t have the time and resources to create as much content as she would like. Which two recommendations should she follow?
  9. What are two ways you can leverage existing content for marketing efficiencies?
  10. Bruno wants to see who is mentioning his brand on LinkedIn. What should he do?
  11. Select two reasons why LinkedIn recommends it’s important to define your goal when creating your LinkedIn Page.
  12. Harisa is thinking about ‘Big Rock’ type of content that she can construct and deconstruct. Which two tactics would be optimal?
  13. What is the direct result of focusing only or mostly on conversion? Select all that apply.
  14. Isla pitches the idea of a LinkedIn video campaign to her company’s leadership, with the goal of educating customers on a complex product. The leadership team approves the campaign, but they don’t have the budget to support a high production video. What should Isla do?
  15. On the Page Analytics dashboard you can check the member profile of each specific follower as well as the aggregated followers’ demographics.
  16. To drive engagement on a LinkedIn Page, use video because it is more likely to start a conversation than any other type of content.
  17. Select three reasons why it’s important to have an active full-funnel presence across LinkedIn’s organic and paid solutions.
  18. How should organic and paid content work together?
  19. Karin is scheduling her content posts to reach decision makers when they’re most engaged on LinkedIn. When should she post during the week? Select all that apply.
  20. What is the metric Katharina will primarily use when she wants to understand which professional audiences are following her page?
  21. Helena is rebranding a picture to add an important message, but the space on the image is limited and it doesn’t fit. What is the best decision she can make?
  22. Diego uses Page Analytics to understand four insights from the following list. Select which ones are correct.
  23. Including faces in your visuals will help your creative stand out.
  24. Which of the following is NOT a LinkedIn Page role?
  25. Yousef just created his startup’s LinkedIn Page, but he cannot decide what type of content and how often he should post. What would be a good first step?
  26. Silke’s marketing goals are centered around reach and building rapport with her audiences. Which type of content should she consider using? Select all that apply.
  27. It devalues your brand if you reuse existing or top-performing content to repurpose it as organic content on your LinkedIn Page.
  28. Jordan wants to create more content that ‘hums.’ Which tactics should he explore?
  29. Aria manages her company’s LinkedIn organic strategy separately from the paid media team because that leads to higher conversions and lower costs per conversion.
  30. Select three things that could happen when you pair organic and paid content.
  31. Louisa is designing her ads for LinkedIn. What are the three main components that she should consider?
  32. Javier designed a new Carousel Ad to support his company’s new product launch. Which two actions should he take before he launches the campaign?
  33. How can you tackle your goal of driving leads through your LinkedIn Page?
  34. Alberto knows that when building his content strategy on LinkedIn, the competition for his audience’s attention is fierce. Which tips should he follow to ensure his creative gets noticed?
  35. Select three tools that you could use in your organic strategy.
  36. Ronaldo is creating headline copy for his ad. He has several options to communicate his value proposition. Select the best sentence for his ad.
  37. Rodrigo doesn’t have access to many unique photos. What should he consider when building out his creative? Select all that apply.
  38. Joe is building his creative strategy. His objective is to capture the viewer’s attention and tell a story. Which two factors should he consider when thinking about the visuals and copy?
  39. Camila wants to increase her conversion rate. The best advice for her would be…
  40. Select three tactics that LinkedIn recommends you do to achieve better results in your marketing strategy.
  41. Which two actions can you perform on your Product Page?
  42. Louisa would like to do an analysis of her followers on her LinkedIn Page. Which tool should she use?
  43. Astrid has just created her company’s LinkedIn Page. Which of the following best practices would you recommend that she follows as she ramps up her organic posting? Select all that apply.
  44. Debora is setting up her full-funnel content strategy. Should she spend time analyzing her LinkedIn Page followers’ demographics first?
  45. Farah is creating new Sponsored Content Ads and she plans to use hashtags on the paid ads. Is this a LinkedIn best practice?
  46. Julia was hired to create a company’s LinkedIn content strategy. What are five steps that she should take to get started?
  47. How are your creative design and creative strategy related?
  48. When talking about an always-on content marketing approach, what does ‘hum’ mean?
  49. Ivan knows that he needs to collaborate with different teams on messaging for his LinkedIn content strategy to be successful.
  50. Alfred is thinking about including video in his content strategy. What are three ways that you would you recommend he use it for?
  51. Fréderic has completed all the information on his company’s LinkedIn Page. What measurable benefit does he see?
  52. On your LinkedIn Page, you can target organic posts to specific audiences.
  53. Aditya is responsible for driving talent acquisition leveraging his company’s new LinkedIn Page. The followers consist of 70% employees and 30% potential new hires. What is the recommended content strategy?
  54. Giovanni manages all his company’s social media channels. Which two actions does LinkedIn recommend to maximize the use of his content throughout the different channels?
  55. Sara was recently hired to manage a company’s LinkedIn Page. Select which tactics she should explore when developing content for the Page.
  56. What is one of the benefits of using Product Pages?
  57. Joanna is struggling to find content to share on LinkedIn for her company. What are three tactics she should explore?
  58. Ellen is setting up her team’s admin access for their LinkedIn Page so they can create, manage, and boost organic posts. Which two admin options could she select?
  59. LinkedIn recommends you do NOT leverage the same content across your paid and organic strategies.
  60. What is the reason behind using organic content as a complement of paid media?
  61. Carl wants to find out how his employees are reacting to his LinkedIn Page’s content. What should he do?
  62. Select three goals that a LinkedIn Page can help you achieve.
  63. What are three things that people can find in the Page Posts tab?
  64. How does LinkedIn define a Showcase Page?
  65. When posting Articles for Pages, what are two best practices that LinkedIn recommends?
  66. Maria would like to work for a tech company, so she starts following a range of companies in that industry. Where would she go to find the company’s mission, vision, and values?
  67. When thinking about copy, which two strategies are recommended to stand out in the feed while providing value to users?
  68. Joseph recently launched his startup, and he’s considering creating multiple Showcase Pages to promote his individual products. Would LinkedIn recommend this?
  69. Alicia sees that engagement with her LinkedIn ads is lower than expected. Which two strategies can she use to make the visuals on her ads different and scroll-stopping?
  70. Which of the following expressions make your copy relatable and can compel a user to click? Select all that apply.
  71. Purna needs help figuring out trending industry topics in her region by seniority. Which filters does she need to apply?
  72. Roberto’s goal is to engage new audiences. What is the best strategy to follow?
  73. Julia is designing an organic post for her client’s LinkedIn Page. What should she keep in mind?
  74. Fabio’s goal on LinkedIn is to nurture his current clients. What should he do?
  75. Aaron’s brand doesn’t have a standard font yet. Which font does LinkedIn NOT recommend he explore for his ads?
  76. What strategies for your creative are recommended to make your brand recognizable in the LinkedIn feed?
  77. Why is it a good idea to use the My Company tab to connect with your employees?
  78. Lionel was hired to design visuals for a startup company’s launch on LinkedIn. What are two LinkedIn best practices he should follow?
  79. Javier is looking for quick engagement from his professional community on his company’s LinkedIn Page. Which tactic should he use?
  80. After creating your Product Page, it is published immediately.
  81. What differentiates Product Pages from Showcase Pages?
  82. Alexandra is creating her company’s LinkedIn Page. What should Alexandra do prior to creating a LinkedIn Page?
  83. Ivan wants to create several LinkedIn ads to promote a new report. He should mix up the format of the content, including using Single Image Ads, Carousel Ads, and Video.
  84. Valerie is a copywriter for a large brand. She needs to draft a few ads for an upcoming campaign. What length does LinkedIn recommend for her Sponsored Content Ad?
  85. Tomas just created his company’s LinkedIn Page. What should he do to start building a community? Select four.
  86. When thinking about your ‘shout’ content campaign, you may want to use… Select all that apply.
  87. Marcela doesn’t know how to fit her marketing goals with her organic and paid strategies. What should she do?
  88. Liling needs to drive consideration. Select two types of content she should consider using.
  89. What can Liesel do with her Page Analytics insights? Select all that apply.
  90. Julia is designing an organic post for her client’s LinkedIn Page. What should she keep in mind?
  91. Fréderic has completed all the information on his company’s LinkedIn Page. What measurable benefit does he see?
  92. Harisa is thinking about ‘Big Rock’ type of content that she can construct and deconstruct. Which two tactics would be optimal?
  93. When comparing organic content and paid media, which statement is accurate based on LinkedIn’s description?
  94. According to LinkedIn, what is the most critical factor in driving engagement with a creative?
  95. Emojis are ineffective in LinkedIn posts because it’s a professional network.
  96. 80% of Sponsored Content engagement comes from mobile devices.
  97. Ads featuring human faces are up to 11x more likely to be noticed.
  98. When would you use a Showcase Page?
  99. A Showcase Page will not always be linked to a LinkedIn Page.
  100. Research shows that B2B content achieves more influence when it’s shared on LinkedIn and across other social platforms.
  101. Why is organic content a complement of paid media?
  102. Hanna wants to run a Live Event and she wants her colleagues to help moderate. Which type of access do her colleagues need to moderate?
  103. According to LinkedIn, evergreen content is not as valuable as new, timely content.
  104. How far ahead can you schedule a post on your LinkedIn Page?
  105. What is not frequently associated with creative ads on LinkedIn? Select all that apply.
  106. Alyce is outlining her content strategy. According to LinkedIn, which should she prioritize?
  107. According to LinkedIn, how many seconds do you have to capture someone’s attention as they scroll through the LinkedIn feed?
  108. Harisa is thinking about “Big Rock” type of content that she can construct and deconstruct. Which two tactics would be optimal?
  109. What is the Employee Notification feature?
  110. Which type of space does LinkedIn recommend you use in imagery?
  111. LinkedIn Live Events do not require a third-party broadcasting tool.
  112. Cameron wants to create a Showcase Page. What would be the first step?
  113. How far in advance does LinkedIn recommend you set up a Live Event?
  114. On a mobile device, copy is truncated after how many characters?
  115. Companies that post weekly on their LinkedIn Page see a 2x lift in engagement with their content.
  116. Sara was recently hired to manage a company’s LinkedIn Page. Select which tactics she should explore when she develops content for the Page.
  117. Callan is exploring ways to make his creative design more unique so that people recognize his brand when they see new ads. Which tips could he consider to be consistent? Select all that apply.
  118. Purna needs help figuring out trending industry topics in her region by seniority. Which filters does she need to apply on her Page Analytics?
  119. Matt wants to create ‘Sing’ content that piques his audience’s interest, letting them know they can help solve their challenges. Which tactics should he consider?
  120. Jermaine’s company is releasing a research paper and he wants to support the launch through organic and paid channels. Which options should he explore? Select all that apply.
  121. LinkedIn Live Events allow organizations to schedule virtual events in advance to gather attendees and stream directly to an audience via video or audio-only formats.
  122. Page followers exposed to both organic and paid content are 61% more likely to convert compared to those who are only exposed to paid media.
  123. Alicia sees that engagement with her LinkedIn ads is lower than expected. Which two strategies can she use to make the visuals on her ads have a thumb-stopping moment?
  124. George is outlining his content strategy for his LinkedIn Page. What type of content should he consider leveraging? Select all that apply.
  125. Ivan wants to create several LinkedIn ads to promote a new report. He should mix up the format of the content, including using Carousel and Video Ads.
  126. Louisa is designing her ads for LinkedIn. What are the main components that she should consider? Select all that apply.
  127. Amelia is creating her LinkedIn Page content calendar. According to LinkedIn, how often should she post?
  128. Alfred is thinking about including video in his content strategy. Select three ways he can leverage video.
  129. When thinking about copy, which two strategies are recommended to stand out in the feed and add value to users?
  130. Which drives a higher click-through-rate (CTR)?
  131. Ana is creating a Carousel Ad. How should she approach the design?
  132. Live audio events require a third-party broadcasting tool.
  133. Sofia is creating a new video. What are four traits that will make it more compelling?
  134. Which drives a higher conversion rate (CVR)?
  135. Devon wants to start a two-way conversation with his LinkedIn Page community. Which type of content would be the most effective?
  136. How many Product Pages can you create per LinkedIn Page?
  137. On the LinkedIn platform, video is 5 times more likely to start a conversation than any other content type.