LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Certification Exam Answers

Exam Name: LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

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  1. How many times will we show members an ad from the same company page within a 48-hour period?
  2. When you are setting up your retargeting audience, you should add as many targeting layers as possible to narrow it down.
  3. No matter how low your CPL is, if you generate higher quality leads, these will be more likely to convert, which means higher ROI in the long-run.
  4. Allison is trying to understand who she should be targeting with her new brand campaign. To get some inspiration, which of the following should she look at?
  5. Anika wants to reach a broad audience for her brand awareness campaign. Which targeting methods should she explore? Select all that apply.
  6. A company wants to distribute its latest white paper and gather prospects’ data. They create an ad with a form, targeting key decision makers. Which type of campaign are they running?
  7. Sherry installed the LinkedIn Insight Tag to help her be more effective in reaching the buying committee. Why is this useful?
  8. All three stages in the funnel (Awareness, Consideration, Conversion) are important when planning brand-building campaigns.
  9. Why is it important that both marketing and sales are aligned when it comes to ABM? Select two.
  10. When repurposing content from other platforms, no editing is usually required.
  11. Ana is seeing a high CTR but a low conversion rate in her campaign. How can she improve this?
  12. How long will a website retargeting audience take to build, on average?
  13. What is considered long-form content?
  14. Alexander wants to see if he is driving the buying committee to his company’s website. How would he be able to see that data? Select all that apply.
  15. Brand strategies build mental availability with future buyers.
  16. LinkedIn is the ideal platform for your lead generation goals because of its… Select all that apply.
  17. What are the steps involved in brand building? Select all that apply.
  18. Reach Optimization must be enabled to see forecasted results, for both reach and frequency.
  19. Rafael is finalizing his creative for his advertising campaign. Which best practice should he follow?
  20. What is the 95-5 rule?
  21. LinkedIn’s B2C audience has three times the buying power of an average web audience.
  22. Creating and distributing valuable thought leadership content to the right audiences is at the heart of driving brand awareness on LinkedIn.
  23. According to LinkedIn, how much of the buyer’s purchase journey is completed before contacting the vendor?
  24. Serena’s lead gen campaign has been live for a few months and she is reporting on the results. She wants to know how she is performing. Which metrics in the Campaign Manager does LinkedIn recommend Serena reviews? Select all that apply.
  25. Stronger brands experience more sensitivity to their pricing.
  26. Which of the following are best practices for strong thought leadership content?
  27. Mackenzie wants to improve frequency for her brand awareness campaign. How many ad creatives should she run, according to LinkedIn?
  28. Which is not a LinkedIn best practice for lead generation targeting?
  29. Which of the following sentences is true about Conversion Tracking?
  30. Which of the following best describes Conversion Tracking?
  31. Juan wants to track website demographics. Which does he need to do?
  32. When it comes to converting your audience into customers, what works best?
  33. Which of the definitions best describes brand awareness campaigns?
  34. How would you best approach your campaign’s reach for lead generation?
  35. There is no average web conversion rate because this metric will normally depend on… Select three.
  36. If you detect that your CTR is underperforming, what can you do to improve it?
  37. How does LinkedIn help you with account-based marketing (ABM)? Select all that apply.
  38. Sara’s lead gen campaign has been live for a few months now and she is reporting on the results. She wants to know how her website conversions are doing. On Campaign Manager, what would be the key metric that will help her measure her performance?
  39. Wati is exploring using LinkedIn Audience Network to drive brand awareness. Would this be a good idea?
  40. It is not possible to select brand awareness as a specific campaign objective in Campaign Manager.
  41. Daniel has decided to integrate his Lead Gen Form with his CRM system. How will this affect him?
  42. When do you implement your privacy policy URLs during the campaign process?
  43. To obtain the members’ specific consent, you must manually enable one or more custom checkboxes during form creation.
  44. When setting up Conversion Tracking on your website, what is a Conversion Window?
  45. Brand equity improves… Select all that apply.
  46. Getting your prospects’ contact details is a priority when you are running a demand generation campaign.
  47. Joanne wants to improve brand sentiment. According to LinkedIn, which leading metrics should she consider? Select all that apply.
  48. Which lead gen campaign would you consider more successful?
  49. When it comes to retargeting for lead gen, which is considered a best practice for audience size and scale?
  50. On a LinkedIn post, when is the copy truncated?
  51. The lead score increases as you learn more about how your audience engages with your website and your marketing activities.
  52. LinkedIn recommends having 2 to 3 ad creatives to improve frequency.
  53. Vijeeth is launching a campaign, focused on brand awareness. Which leading metrics should he use? Select all that apply.
  54. You need to install the Insight Tag on your website to be able to use the Website Demographics tool.
  55. In your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, which marketing goal should you choose if you are looking to generate leads?
  56. Which of the following steps are important before scoring your leads? Select three.
  57. For Lead Gen Form campaigns, conversion actions can be added to a campaign via:
  58. What percentage of decision makers say that thought leadership can be effective in influencing their purchasing decisions?
  59. If you find you are getting a high CTR but a low completion rate, what could you do to improve it?
  60. Which of the following criteria would you consider demographic traits? Select three.
  61. When setting up your retargeting campaign, converters will be excluded automatically.
  62. When setting your campaign’s targeting, the audience count will include members from Audience Expansion when Audience Expansion is enabled.
  63. How does LinkedIn define ‘mental availability’?
  64. Reach Optimization is only available with the max delivery bidding option.
  65. What are the greatest drivers of growth in B2B and B2C? Select all that apply.
  66. Kai is creating thought leadership content. According to LinkedIn, which best practices should he follow? Select 2.
  67. What are some key advantages of using Data Integrations with LinkedIn marketing partners? Select all the apply.
  68. Nicolas wants to use data about his website visitors to create targeted ads on LinkedIn. Which tool should he use?
  69. To create brand awareness on LinkedIn, which type of campaigns are recommended?
  70. When setting up Conversion Tracking, what is the Attribution Model?
  71. When working with LinkedIn marketing partners, if you don’t see your CRM or marketing automation platform listed:
  72. Alice has not yet associated her Lead Gen Form with an ad in an active campaign. What would she be able to edit?
  73. For custom questions in your Lead Gen Form, the best type of question is one where…
  74. Once you have your leads, how can you attribute them to a specific campaign or update? Select two.
  75. Lead Gen Forms are supported by the following ad formats. Select all that apply.
  76. The number of fields on a Lead Gen Form should ideally be:
  77. Which type of access would you need to download leads?
  78. How can you use the Insight Tag to help your brand awareness strategy? Select three.
  79. Conversion value is…
  80. Lead scoring is a methodology used for:
  81. What would be a good first step before you design your targeting strategy?
  82. In order to use Website Retargeting, you will have to install the Insight Tag.
  83. Which tactics would you use in order to get leads via LinkedIn Marketing Solutions? Select all that apply.
  84. How many different creatives should your campaigns have?
  85. If you want to track PDF downloads instead of a thank-you page, what should you use?
  86. Peter’s ads are driving leads, but don’t seem to be turning into SQLs or closed opportunities. What should he do?
  87. Mallory is tracking her brand awareness campaign. What should she focus on to demonstrate the impact of her brand awareness investment? Select all that apply
  88. Phuong is creating her brand awareness campaign. Which stage in the funnel should she focus on?
  89. In order to use Lead Gen Forms, you must first install Insight Tag.
  90. Having a high CTR usually means you get a high number of submitted forms.
  91. When setting up your conversions, you can select how each ad interaction is credited for a conversion across multiple campaigns. The attribution model can be set to each campaign or a single campaign.
  92. Mei-Ling is creating thought leadership content to help with her brand awareness. Which tips does LinkedIn recommend? Select 3.
  93. According to LinkedIn, what are the four Thought Leadership Personas? Select all that apply.
  94. In what ways does LinkedIn help you retarget your audience? Select all that apply.
  95. Why would you use Audience Expansion?
  96. Andrea is creating a 1,000 word blog post. Which type of content is this considered to be, according to LinkedIn?
  97. A lead scoring model has different components that can be selected based on activity or demographics.
  98. Lead gen and demand gen are two ways of saying the same thing.
  99. Jean-Paul is about to launch a retargeting campaign using Lead Gen Forms. As he is setting up his audience, which segments could he consider excluding?
  100. Depending on the duration of your campaign, it is good practice to refresh your Lead Gen Form to help you optimize the data you’re collecting based on lead quality feedback from your team.
  101. Which of the following questions might you ask yourself in order to establish what is important while evaluating lead quality? Select five.
  102. Alexander is running a lead gen campaign and has decided to offer a free demo as a way of driving leads. However, so far, no-one seems to be interested. What could Alexander improve to achieve his goal? Select all that apply.
  103. Sara is starting to build her brand awareness campaign. Which ad formats should she consider? Select all that apply.
  104. Lucas wants to share thought leadership content on LinkedIn. He should repurpose existing content distributed on other platforms.
  105. Decision makers tend to be interested in thought leadership content that is timely and brief.
  106. According to LinkedIn, brand lift measures the impact your customer service has on how your brand is perceived.
  107. A successful lead gen campaign is one that gets you the highest amount of leads, regardless of whether they convert or not.
  108. When measuring brand lift on LinkedIn, test results and statistical strength can continue to fluctuate for how many days after your scheduled end date?
  109. Which ad type is not recommended by LinkedIn for brand awareness campaigns?
  110. Brand equity requires the company to build mental availability.
  111. Afiya is measuring brand lift for her LinkedIn campaign. What happens when she sets up a lift test? Select 2.
  112. Alice wants to redirect intent-driven members to her content to convert them into customers. Which of the following actions would you recommend?
  113. Which assets do you need when creating an ad with a Lead Gen Form? Select all that apply.
  114. Ji-Won has a small audience size in his forecasting tool. Which LinkedIn targeting features can he use to expand his audience size? Select all that apply.
  115. In order to create your Lead Gen Form, including a Privacy Policy URL is:
  116. According to LinkedIn, how many people on average are involved in each B2B purchase decision?
  117. Scott is focused on building his company’s brand. What should he focus on? Select all that apply.
  118. Building your Lead Gen Form and video retargeting audience may take up to:
  119. Ravi wants to collect leads with the most efficiency, what objective should he use?
  120. What type of conversions will I get with Offline Conversions?
  121. What are the key advantages of using LinkedIn for Conversion Tracking? Select all that apply.
  122. Joanna is running 4 creatives in one campaign but her client questioned the frequency rate. What should Joanna do?
  123. Sales representatives are 7x more likely to have a meaningful conversion with leads if they respond within the first hour.
  124. How would you define Demand Generation?
  125. According to LinkedIn, how many members drive business decisions?
  126. Which Ad Formats support Lead Gen Forms? Select all that apply.
  127. The retargeting audience LinkedIn creates automatically excludes conversions.
  128. What is lead scoring?
  129. LinkedIn’s campaign objectives support which stages in the marketing funnel? Select all that apply.
  130. A LinkedIn Marketing Partner can help you create a lead gen model.
  131. Thomas is exploring marketing automation tools. What are some of the benefits? Select all that apply.
  132. Which tactics can you use to drive leads and track conversions? Select all that apply.
  133. Which ad format lets you edit some Lead Gen Form fields in an active campaign?
  134. What should you do if you’re seeing high engagement rates but low conversion? Select all that apply.
  135. LinkedIn offers Frequency Reporting to help you balance between ad redundancy and exposure.
  136. Thought leadership content can earn decision makers’ trust, influencing them to… Select all that apply.
  137. In marketing, the terms ‘Demand Generation’ and ‘Lead Generation’ are interchangeable.
  138. Jenny wants to improve brand sentiment. According to LinkedIn, which leading metrics should she consider? Select all that apply.
  139. In order to download leads, you would need the following access… Select all that apply.
  140. According to LinkedIn, what are the main reasons why marketers run into difficulty driving leads and conversions? Select all that apply.
  141. Do you need to know how your company defines a sales conversion prior to launching a lead generation campaign?
  142. Mohammad wants to nurture leads but he isn’t sure what is the best approach with LinkedIn. Which should he consider? Select all that apply.
  143. Santosh wants to understand who is visiting his website to make his brand awareness campaigns more effective. What should he leverage? Select all that apply.
  144. How can you use LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms? Select all that apply.
  145. When creating a Lead Gen Form, you can use any type of URL.
  146. LinkedIn’s B2C audience has two times the buying power of an average web audience.
  147. Kevin wants to measure brand sentiment. What are two ways he could explore through LinkedIn?
  148. What are the advantages of thought leadership? Select all that apply.
  149. Can you require someone provides their work email address in a Lead Gen Form?
  150. According to LinkedIn, what are the top considerations for a successful brand awareness campaign?
  151. What immediate result will I get with a Lead Gen Form?
  152. Which of the following funnel stages apply to brand marketing? Select all that apply.
  153. How many assets do you need when creating your Lead Gen Form?
  154. How would you define Lead Generation?
  155. Rodrigo is creating a Lead Gen Form that includes 5 fields. Does this align with LinkedIn’s best practice?
  156. 95% of buyers are out of market at any given time.
  157. Reach Optimization must be enabled to see forecasted results for both reach and frequency.
  158. Before creating an ad in Campaign Manager, what is the first step to creating a lead generation campaign?
  159. Maria wants to set up a Website Retargeting campaign. What will she need to do before creating a campaign?
  160. Banisha wants to understand her customers’ business priorities. Which ad type would help her gather those insights?
  161. Brand equity requires the company to build mental availability with the prospective customer.
  162. When should I use Conversion Tracking?
  163. Anthony has over 500 forms opened but not submitted over the past 90 days. According to LinkedIn, does he have enough to begin building a retargeting audience?
  164. A company wants to distribute its latest white paper and gather potential buyers’ data. They create an ad with a form, targeting key decision makers. Which type of campaign are they running?
  165. A company launched a thought leadership campaign. They promoted five different posts per industry, with a mix of client stories, data-driven thought leadership and innovative thinking. What is this a good example of? Select all that apply.
  166. Alexandra is working on her company’s thought leadership strategy. According to LinkedIn, what are the leading metrics that Alexandra should track? Select all that apply.
  167. Maxime is running a video ad but he’s finding it isn’t leading to conversions. According to LinkedIn, how many video views does he need in 90 days to start building a retargeting audience?
  168. What type of conversions will I get with Conversion Tracking?
  169. Zhang Wei wants to build his lead gen audience but he doesn’t know where to start. Which tips would be useful? Select all that apply.
  170. Members exposed to both brand and acquisition messaging on LinkedIn are over 6x more likely to convert.
  171. What is maximum delivery bidding strategy?
  172. You can edit all fields in a Lead Gen Form even if it’s already assigned to an active campaign.
  173. Javier is setting up a lead generation campaign. How should he approach targeting?
  174. When should I use Offline Conversions?
  175. Lead scoring is a methodology for ranking leads to determine their sales-readiness.
  176. Lead Gen Forms drive 5x higher conversion than landing pages.
  177. Your lead gen scoring model can be based on…
  178. What are the benefits of targeting broadly? Select all that apply.
  179. In Campaign Manager, which goals are available to select under the Conversions campaign objective? Select all that apply.
  180. A campaign with the lowest cost-per-click (CPC) will always drive the highest ROI.
  181. What actions contribute to lead scoring? Select all that apply.
  182. Single Image Ads, Event, and LinkedIn Company Page audiences can be used for lead gen retargeting campaigns.
  183. What are some ways you can set up a successful lead scoring model? Select all that apply.
  184. When should I use a Lead Gen Form?
  185. According to LinkedIn, on average how many pieces of content does someone see prior to being in-market?
  186. According to LinkedIn, what is the most important aspect for a creative to capture someone’s attention?
  187. Demand gen campaigns should be carried out…
  188. According to LinkedIn, brand awareness campaigns can also improve hiring.
  189. According to LinkedIn, which ad type is not recommended for brand awareness campaigns?
  190. According to LinkedIn, anyone who watches at least 50% of your video ad is ready to be retargeted.
  191. When setting up Conversion Tracking on your website, what is the conversion window?
  192. A lead scoring model has different components that can be selected based on… Select all that apply
  193. Why is it important to share the length of your sales cycle with your LinkedIn representatives?
  194. Giselle works for a new brand that has ambitious growth goals. As she sets up her first brand awareness campaign, which strategies should she consider? Select all that apply.
  195. Nadine recently launched a lead generation campaign. However, her sales team is not satisfied with the leads quality. What should she do? Select all that apply.
  196. Rosa wants to expand the reach of her brand awareness campaign on LinkedIn. What should she consider leveraging? Select all that apply.
  197. Laila is creating a Lead Gen Form with a mix of custom questions that are multiple choice and open text. Does this align with LinkedIn’s best practices?
  198. Define a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL).
  199. All three stages in the funnel (Awareness, Consideration, Conversion) are important when planning brand building campaigns.
  200. How many website visitors do you need to activate a Website Retargeting campaign?
  201. Amanda wants to increase website visitors. What should she explore? Select all that apply.
  202. Kai is creating thought leadership content. According to LinkedIn, which best practices should he follow? Select two.
  203. Lead Gen Forms are customizable, prefilled forms that allow members to share their LinkedIn profile data with advertisers.